Midnight Geckos is a small, family-owned business. Currently, we are learning about raising leopard geckos and are USDA licensed breeders of African Pygmy Hedgehogs. We also have a variety of other pets.

We got into leopard geckos because Tig has always loved herps, and was looking for a type of critter that would be easy to raise, docile so that the kids can be involved, and comes in fun colors to play with. We started reading about leopard geckos, and they sure seemed to fit the bill! We obtained our first group of babies temp sexed for female babies from Ben Siegel Reptiles, in June 2001. They totally won us over, so we got a second group of temp sexed for female babies from Kevin and Sue Hanley in July 2001. Next, we got 1.6 het blizzards from K & N Reptiles in late July/early August 2001. Then we found two gorgeous patternless/albino probable het males from Superior Reptiles, who look like they will be perfect mates for our first group of girls. As soon as we get a break in the weather we will be getting a group of 1.5 Tremper albino hets from LI Reptiles. We are also planning to acquire a group of Rainwater hets, a tangerine male, and a jungle male, to round out our foundation stock. We hope that we will have at least a few hatchlings by the end of the season in 2002. Lance is very much interested in the uroplatus and the flying geckos, and Tig really likes the crested geckos, so we're hoping to acquire some new gecko family members in the next year or two! Feel free to check back as our site and our menagerie grow!

Our goal is to raise a small quantity of high quality geckos, and to be able to provide quality follow-up care for them. We always do lots of reading and ask lots of questions whenever we can get the ear of persons more experienced, and it's our pleasure to pass along what we learn!

As for the humans behind Midnight Geckos, we are Tig (masters level psychologist trying to finish PhD by day, critter caretaker by night), Lance (stay at home dad, by day and night) and the two little ones, Seph and Zury. Although Seph and Zury are quite small, they love to watch the geckos and other critters, and Seph loves to help me shake the vitamin and calcium powder onto the mealworms. It's never to early to foster love and respect of animals in children!

Page created 07/03/01
Last updated 7/16/01
Copyright 2001.